Saturday, November 26, 2011


She is my world, and not only to me but for my boyfriends 5 year old daughter.. We are trying everything we can do, I hate to ask for help but I need it to save my dog!!!

Her name is Sabria (my baby) and she is turning 6 months old on December 5th , she is my world and my baby. On Thanksgiving night she was hit by a truck..She has a fractured pelvis in 3 different areas,one of those areas was her acetabulum, that will require surgery that will help her walk...Her surgery is ranging from 2,000 to 6,000 dollars to fix her, to help her walk again. I am getting the surgery done in Capital Vet Referral, columbus ohio, if I can get the money.. The options I have are surgery, amputation, or putting her down, and I truely do not have the heart to put her down when she will look at me with her tail wagging in pain, knowing that it is something that is fixable =[ I am wondering if anyone can help make any type of donation to help with the surgery, every penny counts. I would truely appreciate it, and if anyone knows anyone who would love to help please pass it on...
The Left side is the good side, The right side is broken which is at the top of the xray =[
The documents from the vet
She is not only my world, but this dog means something to this little girl, when the dog was hit, she was screaming and crying,"this is the worse day of my life." Please, could anyone answer this little girls prayers and save her dog.
This dog means everything to us..